How to Write Your News Release

by George Torok
Follow this step-by-step process to write and expose your news.
Call it a 'News Release', 'News Bulletin' or 'Announcement'.
'Press Release' sounds like propaganda.
Add, 'For immediate use'. This implies urgency. It also allows
them some choice on when to run it. If the news is date
sensitive state 'for use before' or 'for use after'.
Fax or mail? If urgent - fax. But to get noticed mail it. They
get a lot of junk mail and junk fax. The fax junk looks too much
alike. If you mail it you have a chance to get attention with
the colour and feel of the paper. Send it on good quality paper
with your logo. That could be your letterhead.
Don't address it to 'newsroom' or 'editor'. That's the same as
'occupant'. Instead address it to a person. Get their name.
Make it easy to read. Maximum one page. Use easy to read font.
Twelve point size Times Roman works well. Add a little spice by
bolding key names - but sprinkle lightly. Italics draws
attention but is hard to read. Use capitals and small letters -
don't print the whole thing in capital letters. That is
extremely difficult to read. Keep paragraphs and sentences
short. Double spacing is best.
Make it clear whom the release is from. Lead with city and date
of the release. This gives perspective. At the bottom of the
page state, 'The end' or '- 30-' Show contact name(s) and phone
number(s) clearly at the bottom or top of the page.
Make sure those contacts receive a copy of the release and that
they will be available and prepared to talk to the press when
called. Impress on those contacts that the press need speedy
responses to make their deadlines.
Start with a strong title. A subtitle is not necessary if the
title is strong. Study newspaper headings for ideas. Examine the
style of the target media you are trying to reach to get ideas.
You have only one chance to hook them with the title. If you do
not, they will not read any further. One glance at the headline
is how they preview the release. There must be words, themes,
companies, personalities or issues in the title that slows their
glance enough to invite them to read the first paragraph.
The first sentence must grab them. Rework that first sentence
until the first few words or even the first word pulls the
reader in.
The first paragraph is important. It should contain your most
important message. If they read that far - it is what draws them
into the story. Write that first paragraph as if that might be
the only paragraph they print.
Follow with the next points in order of decreasing importance.
Assume that they might chop it after any paragraph. Write each
paragraph applying the same approach to your sentences. If they
only print one sentence make that the first sentence.
Good news releases are not written , they are re-written and
Make it easy to read. Maximum one page. Use easy to read font.
Twelve point works well. Add a little spice by bolding key names
- but sprinkle lightly. Italics draws attention but is hard to
read. Use capitals and small letters - don't print the whole
thing in capital letters. That is extremely hard to read. Use
many short paragraphs and short sentences. Double spacing is a
very good idea.
Proof read before you send it. Journalists are especially
sensitive to poor grammar and typos. It hurts to read garbage -
so they won't.
The media will read your release thinking, 'Will this interest
my readers, listeners or viewers and is it unique?' It doesn't
have to be 'very' unique - just a little. Every January we get
news about the first News Year's baby. Because the first one is
unique at that time, the second is not news.
Relate the news to the reader. Why is it important to the
readers, listeners, or viewers of the media? Test for
significance by asking, 'So what?'
Answer a reporter's key questions: who, what, why, where, when
and how. You could even use these questions as sub headings - or
as a summary. Use these questions as a quality test before you
send it.
Quotes are good and more interesting. You might use quotes from
company officials, community leaders or customers. When you use
a name always state who they are, e.g. National Sales Manager,
President and Founder, author of. Use quotes that evoke emotion,
create controversy or present a position.
Don't introduce too many new names. This confuses readers. Talk
about one or two.
Write the name in full the first time you use it. After that you
can use only the last name. If you want a name to be remembered
use it several times in the release.
The reporter(s) may call for more information or to arrange a
photograph. Be available. If you are out of the office check
your voice messages often. The press has tight deadlines.
Don't expect to review the reporter's article before
publication. Occasionally they will run the article exactly the
way you wrote it - but not often. Once you give them the
information they have control. It helps if you have read other
articles from the reporter and know their slant and hot buttons.
If they use your news release, send them a thank you note.
Keep and file all your news releases in sequence - even the ones
that did not get action. Clip and save the articles that ran
with the release. Study them to find what works with whom and
See you in the news!
About the author:
© George Torok is co-author of the national best-seller,
'Secrets of Power Marketing', Canada's first guide to personal
marketing for 'non-marketers'. He delivers seminars & keynotes
to corporations and associations across North America. You can
reach him at 800-304-1861 For more information about seminars
and more marketing tips visit
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