Saturday, February 26, 2005

What Do People Really Need?

Copyright © Bill Vannot - All Rights Reserved


People need a nudge..... a Reminder....or reminders, with
an "s". Most people need to be reminded more often than
they need to be informed.

In sales, especially advertising, we make our sales pitch,
back and forth, to get a decision. We have to repeat our
benefits everyday. Our job is to remind people about our
offers, in a polite and effective manner. We practice and
we become masterful "repeaters." We remind people about the
things that we sell and we touch base to fill their needs.

We have to do this before someone else takes away our
customers and our business. We always KEEP our offers in
front of our customers.

If people like what we say and do, they buy from us.
Actually, we could be in the reminder business. Sure, we
need good reasons to re-visit people. We also need a variety
of new answers if they ask for a reason for the ongoing

Are Your Creative Selling Skills Tuned Up?

Creative selling creates new reasons to email or call back.
There are always different approaches. You just have to
create various ways of looking at things.

* Train yourself to ask this question: "What's happening in
the customer's life?"

* Next, think about what you can possibly say or do, that
will remind each customer that you have something in mind
for them. Then reflect on how you can make that "something"
just as important to them, as it is to you. To you, that
"something," is your paycheck. Perhaps a special bonus offer
would please your customer.

Since decisions are made in seconds, creating a sense of
urgent need, and/or desire, is our main focus. Always, be
positive. Always lead!

Each time, go through your speech just one more time. Is
there a deal stopper? If so, find out what's stopping this
particular deal from going through. Indecision is often
the reason for the delay. That's exactly when you remind
the customer about all the good things that can happen, if
you both make "something" happen, together.

There's a story about Christopher Columbus that explains
this creative-reminder, sales process. After being ridiculed
by naysayers, who called him "nothing special" for his New
World discovery, he asked them one question. He asked if
they could balance a raw egg on its small end, without

They tried in frustration to balance the egg on its small
end, but each person failed. Columbus then picked up an egg
and lightly cracked the end of it. It stood alone on it's
small end. He didn't use trickery or deception to balance
that egg. Things are always EASIER after someone shows you
how they did it. Columbus was selling himself and his
creative ideas, with that single egg. He taught his
contemporaries a valid lesson.

There's more than one way to do things, so be creative! Try
using win-win reminders. Use your creative spirit and skills
to create synergy and sales!


Interested in "no gimmicks or tricks" advertising and
marketing? Visit Bill and tell him Columbus sent you!
You work 40+ Hours a week and call it, "The American Dream."
Is it a dream? Bill cracks the E-egg with a different twist.
His business stands up with no props. Yours can too, if
you stop by: